Though the west was quite the rough and tough setting and "no place for a woman", women played a big role in establishing the foundations of America's Manifest Destiny. Though the classes mentioned above can be played by a women as equally as a man, there were two roles common in the western milieu that come up time and time again and were strictly the realm of the tough western woman; that would be the whore and the widow. I've added these two classes to my upcoming Go Fer Yer Gun game.
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Josephine Marcus "dancer" who became Wile Earp's third wife. |
It's hard not to think of the wild west and it's sparse towns and rowdy saloons without the comfort to those rough riders; the Prostitute. By circumstance, choice or need, these women were among the first to populate the rough towns of the burgeoning west. Many of these women were expelled from their family life, deserted by their parents or husband, some choose this profession while others lead this life until something or someone better came along. But others were tricked and coerced into being soiled-doves, ladies of easy virtue, scarlet ladies and calico queens. Working in the saloons, bawdy houses or mobile cat wagons, these women of ill-repute were anything but naive in the ways of the world. Though most were illiterate, they knew their power over the wild men of the west and used that power to influence and coerce their place in society. Of course, it was a long hard road for these women who not only fought off disease, injury and death but also the stigma from the more pious sect of society. These women carved out their place in the American west with their blood and sweat just as their male counter-parts did.
Heal (Int): The power of a women in the west to be a care-taker was not overlooked. A women can prevent further blood loss. With a successful check d3 hit points are restored. A failed check staunches a wound and returns victim to 1 hp from zero or below. (See GFYG! pg. 11)
Care & Attention: If this women spends at least an hour a day tending the wounds the victim she will add an addition hit point recovery to what the patient already gains from bed rest. (See GFYG! pg. 11)
6th Sense (sense motive): These ladies of ill-fame have a knack for sizing up a person's true sense of character. They can see through the bluster and bravado of a wet behind the ears gun-toting hombre or the sinister manipulations of a hustler. Once per day for every 3 levels, a whore can use her 6th sense to get a feel for a persons motives.
Pick Pocket (Dex): This ability allows the whore to palm small items such as coins, money, jewelry, and so on. (See GFYG! pg. 16)
Feminine Wiles (Cha): Using her feminine charms, the whore can calm an otherwise escalating situation or gain the trust of a lonesome rider. She can even manipulate someone to fight her battles for her or stand up for her "honor". She can manipulate a single person at 1st level and one extra person for each additional 4 levels.
Town Sharp (Wis): A soiled-dove knows a lot of the goings-ons in the town and surrounding area that she gleans from the pillow talks of her satisfied clients. With a successful check she is able to recall relevant information about affairs or dealings with the local folk.
Whore Stats:
Prime Attribute: Charisma
Hit Die: d6
Weapons: Dagger, improvised weapons, stingy pistol, pocket pistol, medium pistol
Abilities: Heal, Care & Attention, 6th Sense, Pick Pocket, Feminine Wiles, Town Sharp
Starting Cash: 2d4x10
Experience point table: A
Level progression table (see Doctor)
Next I'll post the other woman of the west, the Widow.
It's a useful character type to have. Here's an old version of how Fictive Hack did it.
Cool, Andrew. I'll look that over and see if I can gather anything else from it.
DeleteNow this is a class I can get behind.