The thing I've really enjoyed about these Marvel films is the excitement and build-up of the cross-overs and the cohesive Marvel film universe. It is very similar to their building of a cohesive universe back in the early days of the Silver Age when Spidey went looking for a job with the Fantastic Four (The Amazing Spider-man issue 1) or when the FF went on the hunt for the Hulk (Fantastic Four #12). That was back in late 1963 and was soon expanded upon to create a more realistic comic book story which Stan Lee said he always wanted to do and was an instant success!
The excitement those readers felt in a 'realistic' comic universe can be felt in the same excitement building towards the first Avengers movie.
The Marvel films have done a great job at bringing to the screen the very elements that made Marvel Comics an icon of American pop culture.
It's great to see them (Hollywood) doing it right.....for a change.
Make Mine Marvel!!
p.s. I know my posts have been a bit lite lately but you'll see why next week.....
more later!
They really are doing a good job of greating that "shared universe" feel which, on balance, I think is a good thing.