Lord Genovasis - The father of Meta-humans
Automaton - The Mechanical Marvel
Nate Brown - Lowly janitor (AKA The Sponge)
The Scarlet Hood - The bane of organized crime and political corruption
Prophylactica - The woman wonder of rubber!
King Cobra
Automaton - The Mechanical Marvel
Nate Brown - Lowly janitor (AKA The Sponge)
The Scarlet Hood - The bane of organized crime and political corruption
Prophylactica - The woman wonder of rubber!
King Cobra
Col. Francis "Popeye" Sanders
With crime and violence rising in Shore City due to a turf war between rival gangs Vanguard 13 leaps into action!
The Scarlet Hood, following a lead first discovered in the abandoned lab of Mr. Roboto* (see issue 2 – Bashful Bliss), breaks into the upper floors of ACE Enterprises. There he finds files revealing that ACE is buying up and smuggling arms to Europe. He also discovers that someone called Dyna is resisting the pressure from ACE.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and in rush four gangster thugs lead by a costumed figure carrying a unique rifle from which sweeps a green ray around the room.
“You cannot escape from Radar!” as the green ray outlines the Hood's invisible form.
Realizing he is discovered and dodging gunfire, he lunges at Radar and smashes the radar-weapon but he is quickly wrapped up by the thugs.
On a rooftop across the street, the mysterious Col. Francis “Popeye” Sanders is keeping a watchful eye on the Scarlet Hood and seeing as the Red Avenger is in trouble, leaps across the wide gap and bursts through the window. That gives the Hood just the distraction he needed to break free from his captors and pummels the thugs. As Col. Sanders finishes off the other thug, Radar runs out of the room and shouts; “Do not cross the Mogul!”
Wanted by the police and hearing approaching sirens, the Scarlet Hood turns invisible and leaps out the window leaving Sanders and the defeated hoods.
Later, back at Vanguard 13's headquarters on the Fort Maudlin Army Base, Lord Genovasis is being interviewed by Penelope Kirt when Col. Sanders bursts into the room seeking the Scarlet Hood. Genovasis covers for his teammate, defending him. The Hood finally shows up to defend himself against this military backed new-comer. Suddenly a call comes in. Lord Genovasis' factory lab is being robbed!

The Hood leaps into action and tries to take out the gun sub-machine gun wielding gangsters, while Col Sanders leaps over to Ceaser and begins pummeling him with his feet. The Giant Genovasis moves into attack but is stopped by a mysterious beautiful woman, The Mol, whom he instantly falls in love with. Meanwhile, sneaking out from the back of the e-Vaul van is the reporter Penelope Kirt!
While the battle on the ground turns in favor of Vanguard 13, suddenly from a window burst a flaming figure who swoops down and captures the reporter. From that same window, drips down an oozing black mass which takes a humanoid form - Tarpit! Prophylactica tries to punch Tarpit from a distance but nearly gets her arm caught in his sticky body. As the flaming figure flies off with the reporter, Tarpit grabs the hood's truck and scales the wall of the building with it and escapes, as does the wounded Little Augie Ceaser!
Col. Sanders tries to leap after the escaping foes but misses and crashes through one of the lab's windows. The Mol quietly escapes.

Following that lead, they meet the elderly, hard of hearing Bernhard Von Kapivar, former member of the Tesla League (Corey was brilliant tying our unfinished 1920's Savage World campaign with our Icons campaign to unify an entire gaming universe. Now, how can I fit our Swords and Wizardry campaign into this, hmmm.).
They get from Kapivar that the Mogul was trying to hire him and purchase his explosive weapons. He declined and has since faced trouble from the Mogul's henchmen. He informs the Vanguard of a warehouse on the docks where the weapons are being delivered to.
Genovasis, The Scarlet Hood and Col. Sanders fly off in their gyro-copter to the warehouse. There they find a number of trucks making deliveries of stolen weapons. Invisible, the Hood knocks out two of the delivery men and Genovasis and Sanders disguise themselves and the three infiltrate the warehouse.
The weapons were being loaded aboard a high-speed airship with Nazi insignia! Suddenly, everyone hurries aboard the airship as it takes off from the waterfront warehouse.

Vanguard 13 is victorious though wounded for now but they are trapped within an airship headed who-knows-where, surrounded by enemies!
To Be Continued Next Issue!
Session Thoughts
This was the third session run by Corey and it was a doosey! This was out usual three hour session but as you can see a heck of a lot went on. Rules lite games such as Icons (S&W and others) makes this type of game play possible. Corey had the general concept together but had to improvise some of the situations which came across flawlessly. A great example of players not knowing what a GM has already planned compared to what the GM improvises. Again, Icons makes improvising quite easy. This session had it's ups and downs for the characters which created quite a bit of drama. He ended the session with a cliff hanger but instead of continuing his story he's passing the duties to someone else. That's great because the original concept for the campaign was to alternate GM building upon previous session storylines. This will be a great experiment continuing an actual storyline with a different GM. I think I'm picking up the next session so I've got some things planned....
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