Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Whoa, An Actual Update

Greetings Home Brewers!

Since it's been so silent over here at the Warlock's Home Brew I bet you thought that the ol' Warlock had a magical mishap!  What, with conjuring demons from the outer planes of the dimensional abstracts, it wouldn't really be a surprise that some missed rune or mispronounced incantation had sent the Warlock himself into some nether-plane.  Alas, only minor corruptions have taken hold and I am still around weaving spells and dark magics.  What that all means is that after a verrrrry long break from our campaign to play lots of board games with the group and even participating as a player in White Star campaign customized for the Star Wars universe.  Finally, after all this time we have returned to continue our ongoing Swords and Wizardry campaign started back in 2009.  Expect a session update shortly so sober up with our session history because we're delving deep this time round.  What's in store for our fool-hearty adventures?  Only I know their fate, unless, they derail this thing as they oft do.


  1. Great! Also looking forward to more TALES OF HIGH ADVENTURE!!! Sheer awesomeness. :-)

  2. "Alas, only minor corruptions have taken hold and I am still around weaving spells and dark magics."

    Good line.
